On the buses.

 Went to the gym early, as J was going out on his motorbike. It wasn't very busy, only Vic & Jill.  I went on the Bodytrax, which is a machine that measures your body composition. My metabolic age is 58, so I was very happy with that, and even better was, it didn't cost anything as before lockdown it was £5 to use. It was great to be able to use the changing rooms, the first time since the first lockdown, so that was another bonus. On my out, I nipped into the gym, and I could see a lot of children listening to a man dressed up like Crocodile Dundee.  When I looked closer, I could see a massive spider, not sure if it was a tarantula) resting on the palm of one of the librarians, and he said how brave she was. He put it away, and then brought out a small snake,. I thought it was time for me to go, as there was no way I could take any photos, with all the children around, so I headed into town. I bumped into Kevin (open church) had a quick chat, and then as soon as I got to town I saw Kevin's wife, Sandy. More chat, did some shopping, went to the cashpoint, then caught the bus home. Still wearing masks, but great to be out & about. 

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