Interesting times

I met an interesting chap today who spoke his mind with no holds barred. It made for an entertaining café situation. We snapped up the window seat after several people around us moved away. It was refreshing. I wouldn't say that I was entirely comfortable listening and it's easy to judge, but after understanding his opinions, I could see what he was getting at - it's a determined way forward that is admirable. He's out to change the world for the better and he's sounding me out to work with him on his book. I'll keep listening and I'm sure we'll chat again. I might choose another caff.

We had a FEAST steering meeting in the evening. These meetings are hosted by various steering group members and we were at a house that almost backs onto mine. I was astonished to see two cats in the kitchen, who I know as ginger cat and pseudo bush cat - they're brothers and constant visitors to my garden (and inside my flat). Earlier today I chased pseudo bush cat out of the house with the water squirter since he was tucking into Whisky's biscuits. So, it wasn't surprising that he shrunk away from me with horror when I went to stroke him. I'm probably his worst nightmare and suddenly I'm in his home! Mwahh-haha.

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