Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

On this day...

...twenty-one years ago, I married the love of my life. It had taken me 44 years to find him, but totally worth the wait. Since then, we’ve been through great joys, crushing lows, births, deaths, a pandemic and cancer. We’ve laughed together and cried together, comforted each other, held each other up. I can’t imagine my life without this man.

Like many couples, we are also very different in some ways. For example, my Hubs has an emotional attachment to things whereas I prefer to travel light. While we were still dating, he saved all the cards I gave him...and that made me feel a little weird since I’m not a saver. So when our first anniversary rolled around, he presented me with this journal in which he had written a letter to me. His idea being that I wouldn’t have to feel compelled to save cards, but that I would have one book that would contain his annual anniversary letters to me. Usually we take a photo of ourselves and put in in the journal. And every year (except for the awful year we lost his brother) he has gotten up before me, written his message to me and left it out for me to find.

So today’s Blip is our anniversary book, filled with words that I will always treasure.

And because neither of us feels all that comfortable going into restaurants at the moment, we have an excellent bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, some beautiful filet mignon steaks, salad, and little roasted potatoes that we will make for dinner later. And we will toast to another 21 years.

I love you to the moon and back, my dear.


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