Longer day than expected.
Today I went to the garden that I should have gone to yesterday. Last week when I was there, they asked if I could do and extra hour. I actually did an extra 3 and a quarter hours!
When I arrived they asked and I said I was free for however long they wanted me. There was a big job that I actually started 2 weeks ago, did a bit more on it last week and then they’d done a lot since then too.
It was a bank full of weeds. All the weeds needed clearing so we could put weed-matting down and get it ready for planting. One section is going to be planted with shrubs and perennials and then bark is going to be put on top. The top section is going to be planted as a double hedgerow.
I did 2 hours on my own and then the lady came out to help whilst the man went to the tip. We got a lot done. She rotavated the area we’d finished and then we lay down the weed-matting and I pegged it down. We didn’t quite have enough, but that’s ok because we hadn’t completely weeded that section yet.
As I was there so long. The lady kindly made me some sandwiches for lunch and some coffee too. I even got a Sweet-potato brownie. It was rather nice.
By the time we’d payed out and pegged down the last role of matting that we had, we were ready to call it a day, well I was, I think they were going to have a cup of tea, a sit down and then go back out and do a little more.
I finally got home just before 5. Buster came to say hello as he heard me walk in through the door.
I had a shower and scrubbed my knees bed they were pretty muddy haha I put my pjs on and didn’t plan on doing anything.
My plan went out the window. I walked Buster with my Mum. We went up to the village and back. Yes, I was still in my pjs hahaha We saw one of out
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