Ymwelwyr yn y jyngl
Ymwelwyr yn y jyngl ~ Visitors in the jungle
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Ymwelodd rhieni Steph â ni heddiw. Roedden nhw wedi benthyg byrddau arddangos oddi wrthym ni yn fwy na blwyddyn yn ôl. Roedd y rhain i'w defnyddio i ddangos lluniau o chwaer Steph a'i gwr ar eu priodas yn 2020, ond cafodd y briodas ei gohirio tan eleni oherwydd y firws. Felly nawr roedd rhieni Steph yn dychwelyd y byrddau aton ni. Dim ond un stori fach arall am effaith y firws. Beth bynnag, mae'n ymddangos roedd y briodas yn hapus iawn ac roedd pawb wedi cael amser da.
Roedd e'n dda i weld rhieni Steph eto, roedd e wedi bod amser hir iawn ers i ni wedi gweld nhw. Daethon nhw â eu ci, a Richard, Steph a'i phlant hefyd. Roedd e'n dipyn o dorf. Roedden ni mynd â nhw ar daith o amgylch yr ardd, trwy'r jyngl. Yn ffodus, aeth neb ar goll ac roedden ni'n gallu rhannu te a chacen cyn roedd rhaid iddyn nhw fynd adre. Rydyn ni'n gobeithio gweld mwy ohonyn nhw yn y blynyddoedd i ddod.
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Steph's parents visited us today. They had borrowed display boards from us more than a year ago. These were to be used to show photos of Steph's sister and her husband on their wedding in 2020, but the wedding was postponed until this year due to the virus. So now Steph's parents were returning the boards to us. Just one more little story about the impact of the virus. Anyway, it seems the wedding was very happy and everyone had a good time.
It was good to see Steph's parents again, it had been a very long time since we had seen them. They brought their dog, and Richard, Steph and thir children as well. it was quite a crowd. We took them on a tour of the garden, through the jungle. Fortunately, no one went missing and we were able to share tea and cake before they had to go home. We hope to see more of them in the coming years.
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