Most definitely England.

Crazy day. Up early, ready to go to volunteer at the field centre, but feeling a bit rough so left late. Cycled a new route to get there, that shaved a good 4 miles off; or rather would have done if I'd of been able to read a map. Ended up taking a wrong turn and adding 5 miles to the trip.

On this annoying detour I had to take another route to get back to where I was meant to be, and came upon a flooded road. Thought I'd be ok - it didn't look too deep, so I just ploughed on ahead on my bike into the water. Soon I was up to my knees in freezing, 2 degree waters and my boots were filled. Boots that I have to wear all day, in the freezing cold.

Not to happy about my situation but determined to make the most of it, I continued along my new route. Soon I was riding my road bike down an unmade track (thanks google maps) which acted as a bone shaker, and as I thought no more disasters were likely to happen a deer jumped out of the hedge as I was bombing down a hill at about 30mph and only missed me by about 10cm, I kid you not. The videos I've seen on YouTube tell me I wouldn't of come off very well if I'd of hit it.

After a shorter day than I was expecting I cycled home, still damp footed, and my cycle continued to be eventful. Two blokes on quad bikes hare coursing, dressed to the neck in tweed as two hares shot across the road in front of me, and then a few 100m down the road 3 horse riders dressed in all their red finery galloping down the road.

Only in England.

Packed up for my trip to edinburgh, and headed off to Dash's house in Bristol with Douglas and Milner to have a pint and save me the train to the airport tomorrow.

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