Journies at home

By journiesathome

Radio trottoir

Eliana and Denise are sisters who argue about which side of the street they're going to sit.  Eliana prefers the east side and Denise the west.  There are 3 meters between the two.   Their respective stubbornness means they have to shout across the street at each other.  Those who stop to talk to Denise, beneath the austere walls of the hotel, share her version of the craic and and those passing on the other side of the street get to hear Eliana's.
Eliana cycles doggedly to the allotment that she's shared with her brother for sixty years, the same plastic flowers twisted around her handlebars. 
The viper tongues call her Shrek and when her husband died a few years ago Josette told her that it was just as well he was dead because he was having an affair with someone else.
Sometimes they agree to sit together and the radio is no longer in stereo.
Today was such a day.

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