
By Mindseye

Saturday sisters

I set the alarm for 7 as I needed to be up early this morning……was awake from 6.10!!! Bloomin seagulls…..wouldnt mind but we are about 30 miles from the coast! 

Ready to leave before 8, loaded the car, some plants, middle sons birthday pressie and cards, 
My contribution to dinner later, and some dessert treats for all of us too. 

Middle son and Dil are doing a 10k fun park run today, so I am over to Congleton for 9……made it by 8.45, and that was after filling the car with diesel.  

Me and the little girls watched a  it of tv early on, I had a brew and some crisps for the girls…then we decided to head to the local park, they took their “wiggly scooters” with them…its only a 10/15 walk….we were in thr pRk for a good couple of hours…..todays blip is one of several shots I took. I quite like the olde worlde finish to this shot.  Olivia was none too impressed being below, in the hole, shes not keen on closed spaces. 

Back to their house for 12.30…..lunchtime, followed by the smurf movie. Son and Dil arrived back just after 2……DiL limping !  A badly twisted or sprained ankle we think, she can bear weight on it, but it's painful…..so, she is going to wait to see how it is tomorrow:-/ before possible xray! 

We had pizzas and garlic bread, for an early tea
the girls had chicken nuggets and chips as usual lol Then a bit of play outside on the trampoline. 

I eventually left for home just after 5.30, got back  just after 6.30. Decided to water the half of the lawn Id scarified, as theres no sign of any rain! 
Then unpacked my stuff, downloaded my photos, got changed, the. sat down to watch tv…..nothing on at sll, ended up watching back to back Beyonce performances, including Glastonbury, which Ive really enjoyed, whilst sipping a large G&T

Ive know all day that today is 5 months since hub was taken….being kept busy has helped, but its there all the time, it doesn't make a difference what the day or time is……he is just not by my side anymore :-( so hard to come to terms with, but no choice in the matter, so one day at a time…..l

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