
Having got all my evenings sorted for my brief Edinburgh visit, I had forgotten that real students have work and lectures to do in the day, and I was at a bit of a loss as to what to do, with just the dentist and flat viewing booked before my cousins birthday party in his uni halls later.

Dentist was a disappointment - told I need 3 fillings! THREE!! There's a certain pride in dental hygiene and mines taken a serious knock. Only went for a check up, and I was expecting a green flag. Wish I was still living in bliss ignorance.

Flat viewing with Tom, seemed ok, and squeezed in the first of today's coffees with him beforehand.

Popped into the national museum, and then to the union for a burger where I bumped into Poppea and Lucas, before Tom joined us. Pops and Lucas left for lectures, so we went on to another coffee establishment, then to another flat viewing.

Cooked pasta bacon bake for the boys, before heading to my cousins via Sean's house. Hilarious being at a Freshers party again, enjoyed myself muchly.

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