
By JuliesJournal

Happy Father's Day Dad!

It's Father's Day here in Australia so I am featuring my portrait of my Dad.
He  lived to age 91 and passed in 1987.  A  rather timid, shy and gentle man, innovative, patient, kind, creative & musical - a bit of a chauvinist, non-demonstrative, reserved, frugal, a non drinker, occasional smoker (a roll your own after work in the evenings) kind yet critical and loyal. Dad was a motor mechanic by trade but could turn his hand to most things and did.
To spend time with Dad during my childhood meant helping him with his current work project - mixing cement, holding this, getting that, bleeding the brakes, bringing him cups of tea, singing him a song.   Thanks Dad for all your sacrifices and caring.   I remember you with love and gratefulness.
You were my rock, stability & security and I thank you.

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