Scrubbing Up
The classroom has had a lick of paint- well, one wall anyway :-0 No doubt it will take another three years to get around to painting the other three....
I popped it to do the fiddly things I knew needed to be done before next week. I spent three hours and was glad I had, as I know I'll want to get in and get out on Monday which is the Inset...
Another endlessly grey day which was disappointing ( I seem to be very affected by the weather). I had my placement this evening- well, I got all ready to pick up Hannah as it's my turn to drive, and was looking forward to catching up, only to find at 5.02pm that I received the cancellation text and she had to go on her own. Disappointing as we'd been off last week for the festival but it couldn't be helped. Hannah got caught in an accident and arrived with just minutes to spare, and my other friend L started last night only her client didn't turn up either! So it's been a bang up day...
It's fine, it comes with the territory, but I've only done three hours, and I've got ninety-seven to go!
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