Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Castle Stalker

A dull morning so (nearly)caught up  with Blip.

This evening we are going out for some relatively posh nosh at a restaurant  several miles south so it was decided to head that way and find a new walk.

On a previous visit to this area we noticed a long wooden bridge stretching out across the salt marsh and decided to investigate. The bridge took us on an easy route round the small Loch Laich from where we had a great view of Castle Stalker.
The 4 storey keep was made famous by Monty Python in 'The Holy Grail' when it was renamed Castle Aaaaarrrrrrrggghhh. Personally I couldn't stand Monty Python but some of you might remember it.
The tide was so low we probably could have waded across to it.
A wider view from the rickety bridge in extras

A late start meant the day passed in a flash and after a delicious dinner, once again I'm blipping a day late.

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