
By Grammy

Today’s Entertainment

Sunny and warm all day. Hubby left very early this morning to help with the Knight’s first sit down breakfast since COVID. The cost is a donation and he said they had the largest day ever. He brought me breakfast and leftover sausage and pancakes. One less meal we will have to cook. Up to my ears with laundry, last minute cleaning, kitty and bird feeding, etc. The breakfast items shown are blueberry muffins and pumpkin cheese coffee cake. That should be enough for the week. I cannot count the swallowtails and hummingbird moths on my shrubs. Some are pretty ragged though and there are remnants everywhere of those who finished their life cycle. Speaking of, we got word that two friends in our Knights’ circle passed away this weekend. May they Rest In Peace. My children’s father is also hospitalized with various issues. How blessed we are at the moment to be healthy and able to travel. We will savor every moment. As I baked and cleaned the kitchen, I’ve been watching two praying mantis lying in wait on bee balm for an unsuspecting hummer. Hopefully I can get outside in time to prevent any harm. Hubby put my bike on the camper so this will be an adventure. I love riding but not sure my knees will cooperate. The campground is a large state park with tons to do. Check in is at 4:00 pm but you can go early and stroll around. It will take about 2.5 hours so I think we will aim for an 11:00 am departure. Still much to do. Thanks to visiting, leaving stars and comments. Not sure if we will have Internet access while we are gone. Be safe! "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis

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