
By JanetMayes

Project 365 day 248: white anemone

What a difference a bit of sun makes! I've taken a huge number of photos today for my monthly collage of seasonal highlights in the garden, and I don't know when I'll find time to sort them out and collage the best of them. For now, all I can manage is one of my white anemones. They are among my favourite flowers, I love their simplicity and the crispness of the ring of stamens against the rumpled petals. 

It's been another quietly domestic day. I've prepared cauliflower, sprouting broccoli and calabrese from the garden, along with some chard. P added our courgettes and onions, and shop-bought peppers, garlic and fine beans, to make a tasty, chunky stir-fry full of varied textures for lunch. J and I baked chocolate chip cookies from Nigella's indulgently chocolatey recipe, and I picked a tub of raspberries for dessert tis evening. They are starting to fruit well now, but serious nettle removal is badly needed to access some of the most prolific canes.

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