Place: St Pete Beach, FL 78/88
Main activity: Sun - dog sitting start
Notes: Big day. Woke minutes before my alarm went off and decided to do a quick run in the light of dawn and then packed up car and food. Arrived at the house for dogsitting around 735a. Joe and Moira hung for a bit and then calmly headed out. Good day, made my scrambled eggs w/ zucchini and toast and later coffee (a challenge), watched the Sun Morning show. Around 11a, took the golf cart to a very crowded Pass-A-Grille beach. Was quite warm and beach had a lot of sea debris and was a bit smelly. Did find these 2 sand dollars tho in the short time I was there - took that as a great sign of abundance. Many pics of the dogs thru the day then and one of kitchen. Didn't realize until later the sign in the kitchen that jumped out at me over the sink, "Happily Ever After" - took this as another big signal of the shift for me. Did some laundry and lounged with the dogs the rest of the day. Watched 2 good movies on Hulu: Sweet Bean and Flowers - liked them both a lot!

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