Any Guesses?

I had a new delivery address to add to my list today.... in a new village/town.
Strangely, my mileage was the same as the last 3 weeks.
It suspect that it has something to do with my start and finish miles due to and or just about to click over.
Either that on the car is lying to me.

I have done a wee bit of turning and a bit of backing up of pictures etc but I am going to have to do some more housework to try and get some more space on the laptop.

It has been a really warm and sticky day today so I have seen very little of SWMBO. She had also been unable to keep anything down so tomorrow I am going to have to get brutal with her or she is just going to get worse.

The picture is not the financial status of the country (well, not officially).
It is in fact a good display of just how much my garage door needs cleaned (again). It is snail trails in the dust.
Over Here are more, the top of the Yellow Loosestrife and some pictures of my recent turnings (including the wormy piece I have mentioned.

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