Are you Going to Scarborough Fayre
Ooh Dearie me.
I'm sorry if you live in Scarborough, or you have great memories.
Scarborough did not live up to my dreamy expectations.
Our hotel was weary; the attached bar / restaurant was weary. The car park was weary. All along the front were amusement arcades eating people's 2pence pieces.
Seagulls stalked all the people eating donuts, fish and chips, hot dogs. candy floss. People threw their rubbish and the seagulls flocked, and attacked.
Drunk people screamed at each other. Hen Nights and Stag Nights were loud and brash.
We found a nice quiet spot down past the Lighthouse; there were seats over looking the water and we sat for some time gazing at a man desperately trying to row his boat. We know not where he was rowing, for ten minutes he rowed one way; then he would change direction, have a wee drink and start all over again. He was still going round and round in circles forty minutes later.
We also walked to the opposite end of the South Beach - past the "Spa" (which isn't a spa but a theatre). Si declined my invitation to go and watch a man tinkle his organ for 2 hours in the afternoon, but agreed to wander with me to find the "Star Arc".
I had read about this, and being a person who loves stars...
What a massive disappointment. I don't think that unless you were actively looking at it, you would know what you were seeing.
It's a concrete circle on the prom. There are metal straps laid across it in random shapes.
Apparently, there are fibre optic lights which light up in the evening.
Again, I'm unsure why because this circle is not situated anywhere that you could actively see it. There is a steep grassy bank behind it - you'd have to be very fit to climb up and I don't think that with a lack of street light - many folk would want to walk along the dark end of the pier to see fibre optic lights set into the concrete.
I was a bit disappointed by that too.
We started phoning for dinner at 4 - we couldn't get anywhere. We decided to start walking round. Everywhere was full. (That wasn't fish and chips or Burger and Chips, and Hot dog and chips).
at 9 pm we ended up in the Brewers Fayre attached to the hotel.
Aw. I'm sad for Scarborough.
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