Tea time

Went to collect my car first thing. Got there to find they'd lost the key card. Eventually Ben brought the spare round. At this point (Sat evening) the key card is still MIA...

Zoomed round Lidl to get packed lunch stuff in time for Ally and Ben to go off to Exeter Chiefs for the day. Got home to find Ally has lost his training shirt...

Dropped the big boys off at the rugby ground en route to swimming. Lily has gone up a level so is at the same time as Bella. Which worked in my favour this week!

Zoomed over to Helston to fuel up Ben's car then came back via The Waymarker which is where I went on Monday with Ben. The food and play area went down well with the kids - Sunday Lunch is my next test...

We went straight on to the Princess Pavillions to meet up with my friend Alison. She works at an old folks home and we agreed to help accompany some of the residents around the Flower Show. It was an experience. Lily was in her element jabbering away to the ladies. Red was Red. Bella got over her disgust at the idea and was a delight.

Finally home now and a picnic tea in front of You've Been Framed because quite frankly, I CBA to do anything else...

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