If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Hoo Mill Lock

Up early and the cars packed.  Then we were off down the M6 heading for Staffordshire.  A lunch break on the way and soon we arrived at the marina in Great Haywood.  Arrival is always a hectic time, unloading the cars and trolleying everthing along the pontoons and on to the boat.  Then there was the removing of things from the boat which we don't need, storing them in the cars.

Soon we were ready and left the marina and turned north.  It isn't far from the marina that we encounter the first lock.  I love locks and they are the main reason I like the canals.  Eighteenth century technology still doing the job it was designed for.  Not quite as efficiently owing to the current level of maintenance on the canals, but still fun to be uisng.

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