
By sleepyduck


A shitty day at work today. No surprise there. Yesterday was a good day and it's rare for me to have two good days in a row. In fact, it's rare for me to have one good day in a row :-(

There is no symbolism attached to the keys. This is just one of those blips which records something that happened recently. Somebody broke a key in the lock to our stair door a couple of weeks ago. It wasn't me, but I took it upon myself to get it fixed, as it seemed that nobody else was going to deal with it. These things are such a pain... getting a quote... making sure there are no objections... arranging to get it fixed... making sure that everyone has keys and that we aren't all locked out... collecting money... I'm £50 short at the moment. (Incidentally, if you need a locksmith, I can recommend Duncan McLaren in Bread Street.)

Today, I had a spare set made. I'm going to give it to Anne (whose chai latte I blipped a week ago). So, if any of you know Anne, you can purloin the keys from her, let yourself in and help yourself to all my valuable stuff. If you can find it. I usually can't.

(Incidentally 2 - little did I know when I bought my trusty MacBook that it would be seen so much on the internet. I think it has now appeared in five blips...)

Going to try to unwind now. I shall go and kick the imaginary cat.

(Note to cat-lovers - no corporeal cats were harmed in the making of this blip, nor will any be harmed in its aftermath.)

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