The Biggest Ones I Have Ever Seen

SWMBO and I went to Jupiter Artland again this morning to see the 3rd 'loop' of art works. 
Well I did, SWMBO sat and read as she wasn't feeling up to the walk. But she at least got a couple of hours of fresh air.
As well as some of the more traditional shots of the artworks I tried to get some more abstract stuff. 
While we were sitting watching the swans (and life) drift by SWMBO noticed a lovely red dragonfly. After a bit of stalking (and waiting for it to return after it chased off an interloper) I managed to get some shots. At one point I lost sight of it but saw its shadow and then hear the distinctive helicopter sound of its wings .... right by my ear as it landed on my shoulder. When it took off it was then good enough to settle on the boardwalk and let me get a half decent shot.
My 'resident' Geek (No1 son) has identified it as Common Darter.

When we got home I got an invitation for us to go for a coffee at the Mac's during the afternoon.
So we went and had a couple of hours of good chin wagging..

I have also taken pictures of the wooden bottle I have turned and also the onion pot which is the result of the near disaster I mentioned yesterday.

There are a selection of pictures from today starting HERE


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