I don't know which. I had too many choices of blip today, but as I love Eiders, I've chosen this one.

After my remarks yesterday about the empty house next door and the dodgy ex-neighbour, by coincidence I heard loud and repeated knocking this morning and opened our front door to find a very large man in a sort-of official-looking uniform (with no identification on it) and stab-vest, with similar colleague in a black car parked outside, knocking on next door, looking for said ex-neighbour. When I told him the house has been empty since December, he said that explained why he's had no luck on the previous five occasions he's tried, and went and sat in the car and communicated at length with someone by phone. B and I thought they might be bailiffs. I did tell him the name of the estate agents, just in case they were thinking of breaking down the door, and eventually they drove off.

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