
By Mindseye

Weathered lock gates

Not a good night for sleeping, way to warm……so will be heading to bed once I have uploaded this blip. 

Up, showered, dressed and breakfasted……sent middle son birthday wishes, as hemis working today, caught up with daughter, she is feeling better, as is Em, DiL not so much though :-/ 

After watering the baskets, I decided to walk into town before it got too hot. Got the bits I needed, then treated myself to an iced flat white… so nice.
Walked home……ummed and ahhed, eventually decided on another walk, along the canal, a walk we used to do a lot…….stopped off for a bite to eat 
too.  Sat a while just reflecting looking out over the Flash……we have sat there together so many times :-/ 

Middle son sent me a message to thank me for the “brownies” I had had delivered to his work, as a little birthday treat :-) 

There was a lovely breeze on the towpath is it is high up……I have photographed these old lock gates. numerous times before, they are looking bleached and more rusted as time goes by……it. must be over 18 months since I last photographed them. 

I had clocked up 14.5k steps by the time Id finished the circuitous route back to the car, by which time the thermometre was telling me it was 30 degrees! I stopped off at daughters on my way home just to collect something…..then got straight off home, before the traffic built it. 

Had a chicken salad with a jacket potato for my tea this evening…..watered the dying lawn, again, not really any signs of improvement :-/  Put the new garden lights on at dusk, looks so nice, didnt put the bats off either! 

Watched the footy……almost another win, but still, in a good position. 

Supposed to be cooler and maybe a bit of rain tomorrow……..we shall see! 

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