A thing of beauty

More than 4o years ago, during my internship year in San Francisco, I fell in love with Chinese dragon coats.  There was a marvelous exhibit and I bought the catalogue so I could look at the coats at home.  I sought out coats on display in San Francisco and since then have looked for them in art museums.  But they'd faded from my memory until I saw this fine specimen on a wall in Swedish Ballard hospital, passing it as I headed for my dental cleaning.  It was hanging directly across from a big window, so I couldn't get a straight-on photo, but by moving to the side I was able to cut out most of the reflection.  I hope you like it too.

After my cleaning I had physical therapy and then did some shopping for things I was running out of.  It was really hot today, so it was nice to get home, change into cooler clothes, and relax.  Tomorrow I have absolutely nothing on my schedule!  I'm looking forward to that.

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