Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Phase one.

Another of my projects... I made this drawing this morning, for a needlework pattern I'm planning to do with hand coloured yarn. The colouring is from different plants and flowers, and was something me and my classmates did in a course many years ago. We got small samples from all of the different colourings and they've been laying in a plastic bag most of the time since then. I've used some of the yarns over the years for small projects and for this one I'll be using green and yellow colours. I remember the colouring process to be rather tedious, but the results were amazing! I'll be blipping about this more later on.
I had a lot of plans today and almost none was done... I got caught up in a book that I simply couldn't put down... 'The Lewis man' by Peter May. Great book! Just as good as the first one and now I'm waiting for the third! :)
This evening I also put all the lights out and shut down the computer during one hour, since it was Earth Hour. A nice cup of tea and candlelight isn't bad at all... But, it feels a bit strange to do this while the large floodlights are lit over the empty football field... and my town is supposedly joining Earth Hour... I know one hour doesn't do much, but anyway...

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