Paddle Boarding on the Coquet

The mist hung low over the fields this morning with the view limited to 50 yards, but I was encouraged to swim by my Merry Widow mentor who carried my towel to the beach as if leading the gladiator to the ring.
The sea was calm and truthfully not so cold that I couldn’t feel all my extremities. A bit of splashing about and then home with sandy feet for a hot shower.

The mist lifted and we drove to Alnwick for the proscribed coffee and a visit to Barter Books for an hour of rummaging about. Then it was on south to Warkworth for lunch at the Masons Arms and walk along the river Coqet where we saw this paddle boarder. What a well heeled town!

We had no rain on our day out but found it had rained heavily in Embleton while we were away- a lucky escape for us!

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