That looks like a tasty sandwich

While we are in St Ives, Ann has signed both of us up to do courses in things that interest us. On a Monday I am doing agility classes and on a Thursday Ann is doing a Smartphone Photography course. My classes cost a lot of money. Ann's classes are free?!!!

We have both really enjoyed our first class. Obviously I had to stay 'home alone' while Ann went to her class but just look what happened when she'd finished it?........................... She brought her friend, Charlotte, back to our house for lunch and made HUGE ham, cheese & tomato sandwiches. They smelt absolutely delicious.

I knew there was no point asking Ann for a tasty little titbit but I thought it was worth a try to ask Charlotte. I put my paws up on the breakfast bar and looked longingly at Charlotte. Ann thought I looked really cute so took a photo went mad at me. I was banished to my bed.

….................And NO, Charlotte didn't give me any sandwich. Booohooo.

Ann has some homework to do for her class. She has to take a photo that depicts 'caring'. Any of you lovely Blippers got any ideas???

I went for my afternoon walk at Hayle and Ann popped into Asda first and saw a lady being pushed around the aisles in a wheelchair. She was desperate to take a photo, but can one really just photograph random people in a supermarket? I guess what she should have done is stop to chat and ask if the lady minded her photo being taken.

…............And that's all we have to report today. Its not been fabulous weather, but it's still hot, hot, hot and at least we didn't get caught in any of today's rain showers.

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