The garden @ 81
Yay!! Rain at last! Proper rain :-D I'd planned to go picking apples this morning but rain stopped play, so I rang Mum to tell her our trip was postponed. Next task, find hubby's car & house keys. He has a habit of putting them in the hanging basket outside the front door, which I'd asked him not to do as he's damaging the plants. I looked briefly last evening but it was too dark so told him I would look for them this morning. He lost his debit card yesterday, did'nt mention it to me. I found out when someone had posted on a local FB page that they'd picked up his bank card on the pavement, a comment mentioned my name, so it came up in my feed. He'd already cancelled his bank card when he could'nt find it, the keys were in the hanging basket. Mystery solved.
Before I knew it I was cleaning the kitchen, I needed to make room for storing the preserves I've made, a bit of jiggling around created space, I counted the different preserves so that I can write labels then pack them away.
A few jobs in the greenhouse, Veronica cuttings prepared and potted up, I spotted 3 more tiny Juncus seedlings in the paviers, teased them out, potted them up, plus a hebe seedling growing in with a potted sunflower. Next I cleaned the onions I'd lifted from the allotment, removed some of the tatty outer skins. I'm going to attempted stringing them, not a job for today.
My bus pass arrived in the post ... Whoop! Whoop!!
Lunch, horse racing from Doncaster, Ladies Day, the sun was shining so everyone was happy. Time to experiment with the Abstract challenge ICM. I fiddled about indoors, nothing worked, then wandered out into the garden, the furthest I've been today. The rudbeckia, sedum, persicaria, & my favourite ornamental grass, Chondropetalum tectorum got the vote.
Toad in the hole for dinner tonight with homegrown veggies. Dinner would'nt be the same without wonky carrots. :-) Yum!
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday
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