Looking The Other Way

This is a view along Catherine Street, looking East from between 51st and 52nd. It caught my attention noit for looking unusual but because it gives a view of the dome of St. Frances de Sales. Just under the dome in this image are the columns of our food co-op. A few weeks ago I blipped it from the other end (to the right), standing in front of the store, which is on Baltimore Avenue, my One Street.

But the funny thing is that one cannot see the dome from in front of the co-op, because there are buildings in the way. I took this shot from a slightly higher elevation that I never thought about before. I almost never use this particular block.

When that dome was constructed just over 100 years ago it would have been visible from far, far more places in the neighborhood, and trees would have been the most likely obstacle. That's not a good thing, as I explained in a blip some time ago.

That's what I saw when I looked the other way.

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