
By JulesB

Listen I've got a secret to tell you....

... it's going to rain soon!
Well at least that's what I think he's saying! 
We visited Lincoln Cathedral in the morning. It was very busy as there were graduation ceremonies taking place in the nave but we were able to explore the other areas and have a cuppa in the new cafe which was very smart. The planting outside was also very impressive and gave me lots of ideas for my own garden (which I'll probably think about for another years or so!) We were able to attend the mid day worship before having a look around the nave between the graduation ceremonies.
It was very hot in the afternoon so we abandoned our plans to walk along the castle walls and opted instead for a short walk around a nature reserve close to where we were staying. There was some lovely fungi looking very autumnal (see extra). These young cows who were standing in the shade were the local lawn mowers. Ironically we'd decided against another walk because reviews had said irresponsible dog walkers had spoilt their visit - but wow you certainly had to watch where you were putting your feet here! 

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