Juniper berries

I'm pretty sure this is an Eastern Red Cedar tree, which is actually a juniper and native to the eastern US. Lots of berries appearing. Hickory nuts and black walnuts are starting to fall, the goldenrod is blooming but not yet fully golden, and some leaves are starting to yellow. And this morning, meeting up with a few friends outside, it was cool enough to wish for a jacket. 

It'll be back up to 90 by the end of the weekend, though.

Like so many others I've been thinking a lot about where I was twenty years ago, and the three friends I spent that day with. We left the office, which was close to the White House, and huddled in L's apartment. LF was petrified, couldn't reach her brother; he'd been in one of the towers in NY and she didn't know he was ok. One of my bosses eventually drove me home across the river, and we saw the smoke from the Pentagon. Everyone has stories...anyway, I'm writing those women tonight.

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