The Christians

when fingers point ,,hooverville,, harvest for the world .....just brilliant,, really didnt feel like leaving the house tonite to go to the gig,, but my god , wouldnt have missed it for the world.. garry`s voice is like having your ears stroked by a dark chocolate covered velvet glove whilst paddling in a cotton wool cloud...smooth and of those bands id thought id never get to see ,, but have ,and have got another squillion frames in the bag. Bless him,, he even had a play for the camera,, hes full of comedy and chat,, just a really chilled out evening,, Gigs have different moods, this is without doubt the most "human" one ive been to,,no pretense from Garry, he treated it like ,,just sit down (ok ,,stand up , but ya know what i mean) just take it easy and listen...and in between just yarn a bit with ya .. superb... into double figures of gigs attended so far this year,, defiantly lovin it ..
The rest of the day went ....after a fashion,, really wasnt up for today,, dunno why ,, think im getting truly fed up with this damn weather,, winters sting in the tail and springs reluctance to spread its light is just not on.. Soibhan and I went for a walk to Oakley .. it was bitter , my teeth chattered , having a knock on effect to my bones,, which clattered in sympathy, looking like i was moon walking back to the car was so glad to reach some warmth and the frozen grimace on my dial needed to be thawed out... oh well what can ya say ,, seemed like a good idea at the time..but it was precious to spend a bit of time with and my daughter,, still sounds odd for me to say that ,,never thought i would have kids..

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