Five things

By fivethings

Four candles

1. Last night my world was filled with the Hampden roar and snow. Lots and lots of snow. The journey home was full on football crowd and at one point Land of my fathers broke out on the train. Followed swiftly by tartan army tunes and public urinating. You get the rough with smooth with Friday night football. The sound of the crowd singing broke my heart.

2. Having fallen asleep to the sight of burlin snow, I wake up to three texts all offering me lovely things.

3. One of them is the offer of furniture from Niall and Lizzie, promptly delivered and lugged upstairs.

4. The second is the offer of tickets to see Total Football at the Tron. Which, you know, is nice. Ish.

5. Great blethers and dinner in Mono then the Tron and on the way home we see these in the Panopticon charity shop. Whoever did this window display should be very, very proud.

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