Something fun and new.
Maureen and I went and visited the doggies and kitty cats.
We took 3 lots dogs out for a walk. Just a short one as it is still quite hot out.
Also visited the kitties and they had a lovely air conditioned room.  We played with them too. Going back next week

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 88 new cases, 0 fatalities and 128 recoveries today.

A Bahraini man infected 14 members of his family during a gathering.
731 confirmed cases from September 2 until September 8, 445 were registered among expatriates while 286 were Bahrainis.
There was also an increase in average cases, which rose from 100 last week to 104 (September 2 to 8).

There have been just 3,510 cases of Covid-19 in New Zealand since the pandemic began, and 27 related deaths.

Australia's daily Covid-19 cases near 2,000 as Delta gains ground.
Australia's total infection numbers stand at around 70,000 cases, including 1,076 deaths. Higher vaccinations have kept the death rate at 0.41%

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