
By Livingandloving


Well, it was supposed to be our first day back to the "real world". It started off fine. I got reacquainted with the idea of "working", and Sugar headed off to school. about noon, I received a call from the school saying that Sugar wasn't feeling well. After talking to her on the phone, and having her lay down for awhile, it was decided that I best come get her. I gathered her up....drove home, and she promptly felt better. Not sure what that was all about....possibly jet lag....dehydration...who knows??? She has missed quite a bit of school recently with her illness in February, and our trip. She felt guilty and asked to play an educational game on the computer to make up for it. She doesn't want to have to do Second Grade all over again.....

We got her report card, and I'm thinking it's gonna be okay. ;) Educational computer game or not. tee hee

PS. Back blipped the 20th and the 21st as well tonight.

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