Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

kanthas and kathak

The former being a type of embroidery and the latter being a dance style, both from South Asia. There was an exhibition of the one and a performance of the other, organised by my old mate Fantastic Sam, in the local shopping centre today. Lovely to see her again and to catch the performance, which was excellent; I particularly liked the Ghungroo - small chains of bells worn around the ankles - which were incorporated into the movements and sounded lovely.

It was a nice trip into town. We had coffee, bumped into people we knew, did a bit of shopping, enjoyed the dancing, and went for a quick early evening drink in the Baccaro. All this after a rather exhausting morning sorting out TGR’s room for when she comes home next week. Pleasures were earned and indulgences allowed.

Lovely catch up with Strider in Canterbury tonight. He seems well.

Also finished reading "nobody is talking about this", a short Booker longlisted novel about a collision of emotions in the virtual and real worlds. Very original in style. A poet’s novel. Very good but exhausting despite its being quite short.

Good day.

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