Memories - 20 years ago

The memory of 11th September 2001 will remain as one of ‘those’ dates which we who were old enough to remember will always do so. My Mum and I were on a mystery coach tour of Suffolk. We had stopped for lunch in Southwold and walked on the newly restored pier. As we rejoined the coach the driver said ‘just heard on the radio a plane hit the World Trade Centre’. That was all - he didn’t have the radio on for the rest of the trip. Mum got home a few minutes before me and when I got in she rang and said ‘have you got the news on?’ I said ‘don’t think so -  just switched the TV on - looks like a film’ she said ‘It isn’t - it’s New York’
Tonight in New York history of a different sort was made - by two young women who were not even born in 2001 - 9/11 will mean pleasant memories for them, and for a short while, will be world news - but not world shattering !

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