Place: St Pete Beach, FL 77/92
Main activity: Sun - leaving Pass-A-Grille
Notes: Busy busy morning. Slept a bit better. Dogs were good but I kept waking up with everything I had to do and moving back to Isla. Waited until it was light and headed out for a run around 7a - over the little bridge and to the beach in a few minutes. Ran down along the beach then (on the street) until about 6th or 7th and turned around. Had started the big rice cooker, it was nearly done. Did 2 loads of laundry, took dogs for walk (Barney separately and then Daisy, Fairy and Tahi), took a shower, ran DW, fed dogs, made my breakfast, made up the bed, watered the plants, vacuumed again and packed up.Moira's plane landed early (1040a) and still wasn't quite done with everything. Headed back around 1120a, took nearly an hour to unpack, organize, put away, another shower. Felt the weight of tired then (not sleeping well for last 3 nights) and napped on the couch as the first Sun of 2021 NFL had begun. Slept ~ 2hrs in the afternoon (thru most of the first set of games). 

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