Not St.Medana’s Well (2)

I was sure it was but I don’t think it is.
I’m on a holy well high.
My St.Medana odyssey weekend had me returning to Monreith to try to find St.Medana’s well again after my disappointment when I arrived on Friday.
Yesterday’s success had me buzzing so when I came back today at low tide I scoured the shoreline, the rocks and the cliff line.
I was about to give up when I suddenly found this. After yesterday’s dunking well I was utterly convinced this must be the same and another corker with lovely smooth rocks.
Of course, I had to jump in. It was deeper than me so I made sure I was going to be able to get out again! Luckily I only saw the two crabs (the Scottish version of holy fish, I thought) after I got out.
However, I’ve done more research now and it probably isn’t the actual well. I gather it’s a rather less prepossessing natural spring further along that I must have walked past on my way to here.
Anyway, this was so wonderful I think it should be! Even from a few feet away on the beach you’d have no idea it was here (extra).
The whole area has the most wonderful geology.

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