Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Blooming again

This Easter/Thanksgiving cactus just keeps blooming whenever it decides that it is time to do so.   Never in the right month though!     This one is one the window ledge over the sink so maybe it likes the moisture from me washing dishes.  And I probably water it more than I should.

The same cactus but much larger is on the front porch where it has been all summer.  It blooms a couple blooms but I am hoping when I bring it inside in October that it will decide to bloom the Thanksgiving season.

But really, I don't care as long as it keeps blooming!

A busy week coming up.   Bloodwork, doctor appointment, bowling, lunch date with work friends and a chiropractor visit first thing tomorrow.     That tumble I took in the creek at Tate's is starting to show itself in little places.  

Hope everyone has a great week in Blipland!  Still cooler in the mornings but back to the high 80s this week!  

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