A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

The Timeless Tides

I don't imagine this view has changed much over the years.

It has been an horrific day weather-wise. So much for sunny Spain!!

After a late start, we ventured to Ikea by Malaga airport to buy some wardrobes. I never knew flat packs could be so long and heavy, but they all fitted in the trusty Rover with the passenger seat fully reclined. However, I couldn't reach the gear knob except with my right hand and the handbrake not at all! We drove to Manilva in convoy and transported the packs to various temporary locations around the urbanisation, ready for assembly next week.

Then a bite of supper at the chiringuito, half of The Time Traveler's Wife and gratefully into bed!

A relaxing Sunday to look forward to. Hope yours is too.

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