the PARTY is HERE!
I bought this flag for C last July as a b-day prize. She decided to 'install' it in the exact location where I toss the Crows' daily Peanut offerings. We figured that they'd be thrilled by our thoughtfulness, as if they needed signage! They were, shall I say, less than impressed. It's taken more than a week for the Crows to collectively summon enough nerve to drop down for a peanut or three. They still keep at least one eye on the strange 'murder' waving gently in the breeze. The squirrels, to their credit, never even blinked at the flag! They've definitely benefited by the Crows' hesitation! The Yard Gnome makes sure that things remain...civil.
Do take a moment to look closely at today's *extra...I was taking a shot of my very 'favorite' native weed, Spanish Needle, Bidens alba, when I noticed a very small Green Crab Spider dangling from a petal. Life is everywhere!
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