One click at a time

By KeithKnight

The Wrong Day

Today was the wrong day for my desktop to start doing silly things. First it lost half of its USB ports, then the video disappeared, Since neither the BIOS, Windows or Linux could find the keyboard or mouse this was definitely a hardware issue.

Investigations revealed that the coolant from the CPU liquid cooler had dripped onto the graphics card. That explained some of the issues. I got it going in a limping way using the on board graphics, but my preparations for how to keep myself amused after my op needed changing.

Not good timing, but then it could have happened just after the op and that would have been much worse.

A lot of catching up to do with uploading blips, I have limited my time on computers to essential stuff while I get through a load of jobs around the house and generally prepare for my op on 14th September.

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