
By Marionb

I Have So Much To Learn...

..... From My Cat

I think I have the Take Naps thing down pat now......I have been practising ...but I am still working on the Stretch Before You Get Up - that's the one the doctor recommended...Oh, did I forget to mention?  This learning from my cat thing? It wasn't my idea; my doctor recommended it...for my balance and back issues...I think he was only referring to the stretching part though...maybe not the napping? He wasn't clear about the details....

I am assuming he also meant Lie in the Sun ? ...and probably Look Before You Leap, and Land On Your Feet -  except in my case, would it not be easier to just not do any leaping at all...?  

He has me thinking though.. Perhaps I should take his advice on a broader scale? I have the perfect  role model right here in my house for "How to get what you want and train those around you to do your bidding". Conditioning, intermittent reinforcement? Heck, Maggie could teach it all!


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