Focussing on the wrong things
I was going to try and do something creative with my blip today but instead I decided that I rather liked the way this shot has turned out....ok so the little chap is totally out of focus but his reflection in the ice looks sharp, interesting and colourful. He's looking at me as if to say "You're kidding? It's still not spring?!" Yeah- sorry I haven't quite got the bird bath working efficiently at the mo have I?
I am studying today and it all feels ok. I have discovered some missing data and realised that a quote I used had the wrong date...oh and I mistakenly swapped the names of 2 researchers I am citing....never a sensible move in case one of them becomes my external examiner (tba). Feel a bit like I am mopping up small mistakes. I have a hardbound notes journal for my thesis and I have a page entitled "PROBLEMS" it's not got too many things on it but I'm noting them all down!
I have this plan that I am going to start running as of tomorrow as I have a race I need to get myself sorted for in May. I use the word 'race' in it's loosest sense.......
In other news....since I have been writing this I have found out that I have sold my first ever photograph, a picture of Rivington Pike to someone from Norwich....that's left me feeling rather shocked and bemused! Small steps!
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