
This is obviously not a photo taken by me, as I am not in Cornwall at the moment! But it does represent the most exciting thing that happened on an otherwise dull day of cleaning, washing and other boring tasks. Our daughter rang to say that the two of them had survived/enjoyed a Paddle Boarding session in Porthleven.This is significant because it has taken over two years for them to get there. 

They are both active, sport-loving people, but one thing they have never done, and felt they would like to do, was Paddle Boarding. For their birthdays in August/September 2019 we gave them a voucher for teaching sessions at the Paddle Boarding centre in Porthleven. For obvious reasons, they have had to keep postponing the sessions and then they did not want to go in the school holidays. So today was the day.

They had a great time and are keen to go again. (He fell in more times than she did!). Of course Joanne couldn't take a photo whilst in the water, so here she is (out of her wetsuit) sitting on the wall and in the background is the harbour where they were paddling! They were lucky in having the perfect weather - warm, sunny, calm. 

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