
By Veronica

The one

The one photo I've taken in two days. As I mentioned, Mystère wasn't here when we arrived in the small hours of Monday morning. I woke at 7 a.m. and went downstairs to see if he'd showed up yet. He was sitting mournfully outside the cat flap. As soon as he saw me he yowled despairingly, and having been deposited on the bed continued to yowl for ten minutes, making sleep impossible. P and M, who had been feeding him, hadn't seen him all week, but I'd warned them this would happen -- no need to worry as long as he was eating. He's been ravenous since we got back (he snatched a paprika Pringle from my hand just now) -- another of his quirks is that he doesn't like eating anything that wasn't served by my own fair hand.

It's been dismal weather since we got back, decidedly autumnal. But at least we're not suffering floods as they are elsewhere in southern France. The grape harvest is well under way now, and a little rain to fatten up the grapes after a dry summer is helpful. Earlier I scrumped a few more figs and they are now baking in the oven.

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