By GEMGirl


Ok so this picture was from Thursday night at the awards ceremony but ive only just got round to being able to get it off my phone as i dont usually take pictures on my phone its either my camera or my and technology arent a great mix :) but got there in the end!

this is me and one of my best mates Amy at the society awards at uni. Neither of us won anything but her soceity (Music) was nominated best new society and i was nominated best president!

today i have been reminiscing over the time ive had at uni and the fact it will soon be at an end! it has been the best three years of my life and has changed me forever (for the better in most cases! :D)

mainly because i had to fill out an award form today to get a volunteering award from the uni and had to include details about what id learnt and gained from volunteering with the uni and it really got me thinking!

Apart form that ive been doing uni work allday! as per!

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