Tiny Roses

These are planted around the apartment complex on one corner of the parking lot.  What's really interesting here though is the mulch.  There seem to be local pine trees called Long Leaf Pine - the needles are probably 8-10 inches long and that's what is used for this mulch.  Not sure if the landscaper collects them (I doubt they are purchased), but it's a good way to use up the native materials I guess. Apparently these trees were once plentiful along the southeastern U.S., but are now 97% gone and their demise has endangered many species that called them home. Most of these trees have been cut and destroyed for building and development. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Southeast Region, is working with other partners to locate private landowners that are interested in restoring this endangered ecosystem.*

In Extra is my trek up and down the stairs several times a day - four half flights. Myles likes to stop at the first landing and scan the area that we walk down to before we get there.  It's ok with me, especially on the way back up.


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