Windmill 'De Korenbloem', Oude Tonge

'Korenbloem' = 'Korun-bloom' = 'cornflower'
'Oude Tonge' = 'Ow-duh Tong-uh'
There is a Nieuwe Tonge.

Son passed by in his truck while I was away, and cleared the entire driveway except for the fridge, which he wasn't allowed to take with him as it (still) contains some refrigerant and should be disposed of another way.  The neighbour took out some of his junk, too, and, by way of thanks, he swept our driveway clean.  Now that's literally and figuratively neat!  Don't know when the old fridge will go, or who'll take it, but that is a minor problem.

The day started off sunny, but sheets of clouds soon took over the blue parts, and I was lucky I still had some good light for this one.  It is relatively close to our province, and it's good to keep some of these closer ones 'in stock' if there is no time for anything further.  I did go first to Sommelsdijk to check if the mill there was now facing the street, and it was not, so that'll be for another time again.

Left a message for the Viking -- 'Good evening!  What's up, Doc?'  I know he will not respond unless he has a good answer to give me.  Thank goodness I don't have to pay for these short messages, either to him or to the mobile phone provider.  There's another MOOC I'm now doing for free, about the Battle of Dunbar.  As though in sync with that, now reading Killers of the King, about how Charles I met his end and how all 60 signatories of his death sentence met their ends in turn, another Cromwell affair.  Sometimes, these things come together.  I bought the book two years ago in Edinburgh and now reading it for the first time.

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